Cycling is a good way to help you keep fit and can be quicker than travelling by car in congested conditions. It is on the increase, with more people cycling to and from the campus, and we aim to make it as easy as possible to get here by bike.
Cycle parking
There are over 1,400 cycle parking spaces both on the main campus and at the residences. We're always looking at new opportunities to improve parking, so we will be putting in more Sheffield stands, lockers and secure stores. Our cycle parking is to facilitate commuting, not long-term storage, and that any bicycle which appears to be abandoned will be removed.
Note that bicycle-train travel is an option in Sheffield as we have access to a 400 space cycle park at Sheffield Railway Station.
The University has a number of showers available across campus to support our cycle commuters. There are also lockers available for hire at the Hicks Cycle Hub, the Wave Cycle Park, the Diamond Building, Engineering Heartspace and the Arts Tower. Please follow this link for further details.
Bike security
It is important to keep your bike secure. South Yorkshire Police offer advice on how to store your bike and what types of lock to use.
Read the South Yorkshire Police guidance on storing your bike safely
Download our cycling guide (PDF, 2.73MB)
Hicks Cycle Hub
The Hicks Cycle Hub is accessible via Ucard between 7am-7pm Monday to Friday.
If you require access outside of these hours contact EFM Helpdesk.
Lockers are available to hire in the Cycle Hub. Please see here for further details.
Whatever sustainable mode of transport you take, make sure you download the BetterPoints app. With this you can collect points each time you walk, cycle or use public transport.
Bike hire schemes and bike sales
Students can pay a deposit and hire a bike per semester or for a year at the online store.
They can also purchase reconditioned bikes. Reconditioned bikes are now available to buy online too. If you are a member of staff and are interested in a reconditioned bike then please email
We run an e-bike hire scheme for staff called Try B4U Bike. If you try one and like it you can buy one via our Cycle to Work scheme.
Further information on types of eBike (PDF, 8.63kB)
Cycle Hut and emergency maintenance
The Cycle Hut provides free bike checks and at-cost servicing and repairs for staff and students. It is funded through the University Transport Policy, with services provided by A Different Gear.
You can find the Cycle Hut on Badger Lane, just behind Engineering Heartspace. It is open every Tuesday and Thursday during term time between 8.00am and 2.00pm, and just on Tuesdays outside of term. There isn't a booking system, just drop your bike in and collect it the same day.
A Different Gear have expanded the Cycle Hut offer to include pick up and drop off for a full service.
Bike recycling donations can also be dropped off on Tuesdays before 1pm. They are also going to be stocking small new commuter spares: Juice Lubes bike maintenance spray and lubes; inner tubes in a variety of sizes; puncture repair kits; Topeak Cycling Essentials kits and tyre levers.
Visit the Cycle Hut on Facebook
Cycle repair kits
EFM has made cycle repair kits available across campus. The comprehensive sets include lots of useful tools to get you back on the road, whether you're on a mountain or a road bike.
Just get in touch with the kit's custodian in one of the eight following locations:
- AMRC Training Centre/Boeing
Contact Kathryn Jackson (AMRC Training) on +44 114 225 8057 or or Adam Wiles (AMRC Boeing) on
- Arts Tower
Contact Eric Bohun on +44 114 222 9105 / or Darren Hardwick on +44 114 222 9056 /
- English Language Teaching Centre reception
Contact +44 114 222 1780 or
- St Georges (Engineering) Complex - C102Mez Broad Lane Block, The Civil Water Labs, next to the Civil Workshop
Contact Christopher S. Green on +44 114 22 25063 or
- The Wave
Contact The Wave Reception Team on or +44 114 22 27131.
- Medical School Porters Lodge
Contact Ruby Willows on +44 114 222 5549 or
- Sport Sheffield reception
Contact Benjamin Jennings or reception on +44 114 222 6958/
- Western Bank Library
During staffed hours contact Angus Taggart on +44 114 222 7211 or
University Cycle Forum
The University Cycle Forum (University login required) was set up to enable cyclists to give feedback and input into future priorities.
It is represented on the Sheffield City Council's Cycle Forum and it helps to organise group rides and can offer additional advice on cycling.
Free Cycle Training
University staff and students are able to benefit from free cycle training delivered under the Cycle Boost scheme. This scheme is delivered by our friendly neighbourhood cyclists at A Different Gear, who you may recognise from our Cycle Hut.
Supplementary in-depth training is available in Sheffield. We recommend the friendly and knowledgeable guidance delivered by our partners at A Different Gear. They offer training for individuals or groups of two. For further details please see here.
Abandoned bikes
Abandoned or inappropriately parked bikes can be reported to the Parking and Sustainable Travel team for removal. The University cycle parking is regularly checked and any bicycle which appears to be abandoned will be tagged for removal. If your bike is tagged then please promptly remove the bike, and if some extraordinary circumstances prevent you from doing so then do get in touch to explain your situation.
The University waits two weeks before undertaking non-urgent bike removals. Then hold these bikes, in line with guidance from South Yorkshire Police, for a minimum period of eight weeks. We pay for these bikes to be reconditioned and sold back to University of Sheffield students at significantly below market price (see bike hire schemes and bike sales), and other bikes are donated to the Aid 4 Gambia project.
Pedal Ready and guided rides
The University has a partnership with Pedal Ready and arranges an annual program of guided rides, from late spring to early autumn. Pedal Ready’s friendly, patient cycle trainers help tentative cyclists with a variety of different rides. The 2024 guided ride program is now open, see For further information please contact
In October 2023 Pedal Ready had a look at our University cyclists’ top three cycling concerns and gave our staff and students some handy pointers. A recording of this event is accessible below.