Student profiles

Our current and former students talk about their experiences of returning to education as a mature student, and how the Department for Lifelong Learning has helped them.

Peak district field trip- geog

Returning to education can be daunting but if you have a genuine interest and want to succeed, you can!

Sarah BSc Geography

Sarah always knew that she wanted to return to university at some point and she felt that DLL made that possible for her and has given her the opportunity to face her fears.

Niamh image

Being a student is something for me, it is my time to focus on my passions and I feel this is so important when you are a parent

Niamh BSc Environmental Sciences

Niamh decided to study a foundation year with the Department for Lifelong Learning as she felt it would be a great first step back into education.

DLL Ambassador Tracey

My children were less dependent on me and with more free time I realised that I had the opportunity to become a full-time university student

Tracey BA English Language and Linguistics

After studying A Levels Tracey decided to enter the world of work, thirty six years later Tracey returned to education to study English Language and Linguistics BA with Foundation Year. This whole experience has made Tracey aware that "you’re never too old to try something new".

DLL Student Ambassador Annie

Whilst studying I felt like I had something for myself that I loved outside of being a mum, but would ultimately allow me to provide for my family

Annie BA Sociology with Foundation Year

Annie felt quite unfulfilled with what she was doing, and wanted to start something new that could potentially lead to some sort of meaningful work. Annie returned to study BA Sociology with Foundation Year.

Orthoptics equipment

If you are passionate and considering studying for a degree, don’t doubt being a mature student at University

Alisha BMedSci Orthoptics with Foundation Year

Alisha returned to education to study BMedSci Orthoptics with Foundation Year with the Department for Lifelong Learning after taking part in our DLL Discover Course. The foundation year course allowed Alisha to access the course that had interested her without the standard and course-specific entry qualifications.

Luke Seeley, DLL Student Ambassador

When I asked myself if I wanted to stay where I was, or do something different, I instantly knew I wanted to return to education

Luke BA Sociology with Foundation Year

Luke returned to education to study BA Sociology with Foundation Year after deciding it was time to leave his employer of nine years to become a mature student at the Department for Lifelong Learning.

Evan - mature student

I got a lot of help from the University's Disability and Dyslexia Support Service

Evan BA Archaeology with Foundation Year

Evan started his degree in Archaeology with a Foundation Year following treatment for and recovery from a brain tumour. Here he shares his story of returning to education, and highlights the support he received from the University as he adapted to his new life as a mature student.

DLL Sarah student profile photo

My children are all grown up now so I felt like now is the right time

Sarah BMedSci Health and Human Sciences

Sarah is studying for a degree in Health and Human Sciences with Foundation Year to enable her to follow her dream of a career in healthcare.

DLL student profile Ben

Don't be intimidated by the University's reputation

Ben BSc Environmental Science with Foundation Year

Ben shares his experience of coming to University as a mature student to follow his dream of studying for a degree in Environmental Science with Foundation Year.

DLL Maureen student profile photo

Make the most of every new experience

Maureen BMedSci Health and Human Sciences

Maureen shares her story of attending higher education later in life and her top tips for coping with life as a mature student while still supporting a family.