Charles Seaford Lecture

The Centre for Wellbeing in Public Policy (CWiPP) hosted a lecture by Charles Seaford, Senior Fellow at Demos and former Director of the New Economics Foundation Centre for Wellbeing and Head of Engagement at the Sustainable Development Commission. This took place on 13 March 2019.

13 March 2019, University of Sheffield

Charles spoke about his new book ‘Why Capitalists Need Communists: The Politics of Flourishing’.

The focus of Charles’ talk was that whilst it appears that Britain faces huge challenges e.g. inequality and public services under constant pressure; and that the political and economic elite seem to have reached an impasse which has created a sense that things can only get worse. However through his talk, Charles Seaford demonstrated that this need not be; and rather radical, progressive change is perfectly possible and that the polarisation and nostalgia afflicting us is not inevitable.

The book is part of the new Palgrave series on Wellbeing in Politics and Policy edited by Ian Bache, Karen Scott and Paul Allin (

The recording of the lecture is available at:

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