CWiPP and ONS Event: Measuring National Wellbeing

CWiPP, in collaboration with Sheffield City Council, hosted one of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) events on measuring national well-being in Sheffield on 18th March 2011.

ONS is developing new measures of national well-being with the aim that these measures will cover the quality of life of people in the UK, environmental and sustainability issues, as well as the economic performance of the country. To develop better measures of the nation's well-being, the ONS wants to consult with people, organisations and businesses across the UK, as well as central and local government, to ask what matters most in people's lives and what is important for measuring the nation's wellbeing.

The event consisted of short presentations from:

  • "Unbundling the good life"
    Professor Geoff Green
    Centre for Health & Social Care Research, Sheffield Hallam University
  • "Measuring national wellbeing"
    Mr Stephen Hicks
    Societal Wellbeing Division, Office for National Statistics
  • "Measuring well-being for public policy: some problems and possible ways forward"
    Dr Tessa Peasgood
    School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield
  • "Measuring well-being: local uses and requirements"
    Dr Jeremy Wight
    Director of Public Health, NHS Sheffield

The presentations were followed by group discussions among the 31 participants addressing specific questions relating to the proposed measures.

Summary of the Measuring National Wellbeing Event

ONS wellbeing SHARR Jeremy Wight

Measuring National Wellbeing

Measuring wellbeing for public policy: some problems and possible ways forward

Measuring wellbeing: local uses and requirements 

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