Digitally supported wellbeing

The project examines problem of wellbeing holistically with the aim of finding the ways forward from an interdisciplinary perspective including the political, economic, social, technological sciences.


Project description

The changing context of business and public sector environments and remarkable popularity as well as the important role played by digital technologies within a variety of sectors and research fields is evident. On the other hand, it creates challenges for the labour market, especially middle class jobs as businesses tend to invest in digital technologies, and the public sector, especially certain sectors, such as social care or education, as states lack investment in digitalisation. In the absence of actions there is a big risk of unemployment and rising costs of public services as well decrease in quality. The most important is that actions taken should be made collectively between business and state, coordinating and aligning public and private interests. This becomes even more evident under the current global pandemic context, aging societies and rising inequality. The project could look at this problem of wellbeing holistically and try to find the ways forward from an interdisciplinary perspective including the political, economic, social, technological sciences.
