Centre for Poetry and Poetics, Sheffield, Presents: SASCHA AKHTAR & KIMBERLY CAMPANELLO

Event details
Wednesday 7 May 2025 - 6:15pm to 7:45pm
The Diamond, LT2, University of Sheffield
Sascha A. Akhtar is the author of 7 books of poetry, one of fiction. She is also a translator and Creative Writing lecturer at the University of Greenwich. Akhtar has been performing her work for 20 years, highlights include the Poetry Wales Festival, Emirates Festival of Literature and Rotterdam Poetry Festival. Latest writings appear in Fugitives & Futurists, Shuddasar, Deleuzine, Rivista international, Prototype Annual 4, Cut-Purse (Tangerine Press), Of Myths and Mothers anthology and on Lucy Writers Platform. Her debut book of translations from Urdu Belles-Lettres; The Writings of Hijab Imtiaz with Oxford University Press received an Honorable Mention for the 2024 A.K. Ramanujan Prize for book translations from South Asian languages into English. Akhtar's latest social theory in the form of radical visual forms was launched October 2023 at the Small Publisher's Fair. The Ms is out with Intergraphia Press. The Grimoire of Grimalkin was published in a second edition by Prototype Publishers in October 2024.
Kimberly Campanello’s recent projects include MOTHERBABYHOME (zimZalla, 2019) and sorry that you were not moved (2022) with Christodoulos Makris and Fallow Media in conversation with Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities. (S)worn State(s), a collaboration with Dimitra Xidous and Annemarie Ní Churreáin was released by The Salvage Press in December 2024. Extracts from her versioning of Dante’s Commedia have appeared in Firmament and Poetry Ireland Review. She is Professor of Poetry at the University of Leeds.
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Event curated by Agnes Lehoczky