
Google Drive is a cloud-based file storage and synchronisation service developed by Google. It allows users to store files and data in the cloud, making them accessible from various devices with an internet connection.



How to access google drive via computer
  1. In the address bar of the web browser, type "" and press Enter.
  2. If you're not already signed in, you'll be prompted to sign in with your Google account. Enter your email address and password.
  3. After signing in, you'll be taken to the Google Drive interface, where you can see your files and folders.
How to access google drive via mobile
  1. On your mobile device, locate and open the Google Drive app. The app icon typically looks like a triangle with yellow, blue, and green colours.
  2. If you're not already signed in, you'll be prompted to sign in with your Google account. Enter your email address and password.
  3. Once you're signed in, you'll see your files and folders within the Google Drive app.
Uploading Files & Storing Work
Uploading files to google drive screenshot
  1. Go to Google Drive
  2. If you're not already signed in, enter your Google account email address and password to log in.
  3. Once you're in Google Drive, you have a few options to upload files:
    Drag files from your computer's file explorer and drop them onto the Google Drive interface.
     Click the "+ New" button on the left-hand side of the screen and select "File upload."
    Right-click on a blank area in Google Drive, hover over "New," and select "File upload."
  4. A file picker window will appear. Browse your computer to find the file(s) you want to upload.
  5. After selecting the files, click the "Open" button to start the upload process.
  6. The selected files will start uploading. You can monitor the upload progress through a progress bar.
  7. Once the upload is complete, the files will appear in your Google Drive.
How to share your work
Sharing your work in google drive screenshot
  1. Go to Google Drive.
  2. If you're not already signed in, enter your Google account email address and password to log in.
  3. Locate the file you want to share in your Google Drive.
  4. Right-click on the file you want to share. A context menu will appear.
  5. In the context menu, click on the "Share" option.
  6. In the "Share with people and groups" section, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the file with.
  7. Choose the permission level for the recipients using the drop-down menu next to their email addresses:
    Viewer: Can view the file but not make changes.
    Commenter: Can view and add comments to the file.
    Editor: Can view and edit the file.
  8. Add a Message (Optional):
  9. Optionally, you can add a message to the email notification that will be sent to the recipients.
  10. Click the "Send" button to send invitations to the recipients. They will receive an email with a link to the shared file.