Docs Sheets Slides

Google workspace offers a suite of tools that empower you to create, edit, and share documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in real-time, regardless of your location.


Google Docs

Creating a Google doc
Google chrome menu shortcut screenshot
  1. Go to the Google homepage or open a new tab
  2. In the top-right corner select the google apps shortcut
  3. Select the docs icon
  4. Once loaded under "Start a new document" select from a blank page or a template.
Spell Check
Google Docs Spell Check screenshot
  1. To access the Spell Check you can do the following:
    Method 1 - In the top menu, click on "Tools," and then select "Spelling".
    Method 2 - Press F7 on your keyboard.
  2. If Google Docs identifies a misspelled word in your document, a suggestion box will appear on the right side of the screen, offering alternative spelling options. Click on a suggested correction to replace the misspelled word with the correct one.
  3. Once Google Docs completes the spell check and no more suggestions are available, a message will appear indicating that the spelling check is complete.
  4. You can close the spell check suggestions by clicking the "X" in the top-right corner of the suggestion box or by pressing the Esc key on your keyboard.
Enable word count
Google Docs Spell Check screenshot
  1. To view the word count you can do it via one of the following ways:
    Method 1 - In the top menu, click on "Tools," then select "Word count."
    Method 2 - Press Ctrl + Shift + C (Windows/Linux) or Command + Shift + C (Mac) on your keyboard.
  2. A "Word count" box will appear, showing the total number of words in the document. This count includes the main text, text boxes, footnotes, and endnotes.
  3. To close the word count box, click the "X" in the top-right corner of the box or press the Esc key on your keyboard.
Google docs Citations screenshot
  1. In the top menu, click on "Tools," and then select "Citations."
  2. In the Citations sidebar that appears on the right side of the document, type your search query related to the source you want to cite (e.g., book title, article title, author name).
  3. Press Enter or select the search icon.
  4. The search should display relevant search results based on your query. Browse through the results to find the source you want to cite.
  5. Hover over a search result to reveal the "Cite as footnote" button. Click this button to insert a citation as a footnote in your document.
  6. When you're done adding citations, you can close the Citations sidebar by clicking the "X" in the top-right corner.
Sharing a Google doc
Sharing a google doc screenshot
  1. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select the blue "Share" button.
  2.  In the "Share with others" window that appears, you can start typing the email addresses or names of the people you want to share the document with.
  3. Next to the names/email addresses, you can select their level of access from the dropdown menu. There are several options:
    Viewer: Can view the document but not make changes.
    Commenter: Can view and add comments to the document, but not edit the content.
    Editor: Can view, edit, and add comments to the document.
  4. Once you've added the people and set their permissions, select the blue "Send" button. 
  5. Alternatively, you can click on the "Copy link" button at the bottom of the "Share with others" window to copy a link that you can manually share with others through messaging or other platforms.


Google Slides

Creating a Google slide
Google chrome menu shortcut screenshot
  1. Go to the Google homepage or open a new tab
  2. In the top-right corner select the google apps shortcut
  3. Select the slides icon
  4. Once loaded under "Start a new presentation" select from a blank page or a template.
How to add a new slide
How to create a new slide screenshot
  1. There are 3 ways to insert a New Slide:
    Method 1 - Toolbar: In the top menu, click on the "+ Slide" button located just above the slide thumbnails on the left side. This will open a dropdown menu with different slide layout options.
    Method 2 - Keyboard Shortcut: Press Ctrl + M (Windows/Linux) or Command + Option + Shift + M (Mac) to quickly insert a new slide.
    Method 3 - Right click in the left-hand side panel then select new slide from the dropdown.
Duplicating slides
google slides right click menu screenshot
  1. In the slide panel on the left side of the screen, click on the slide that you want to duplicate. The selected slide will be highlighted.
  2. Duplicate the Slide:
    Method 1 - Press Ctrl + D (Windows/Linux) or Command + D (Mac) on your keyboard.
    Method 2 - Right-click on the selected slide, and from the context menu that appears, click on "Duplicate slide."
    Method 3 - In the top menu, click on the "Slide" option, and then select on "Duplicate slide."
Deleting slides
google slides right click menu screenshot
  1. In the slide panel on the left side of the screen, click on the slide that you want to delete. The selected slide will be highlighted.
  2. Delete the Slide:
    Method 1 - Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
    Method 2 - Right-click on the selected slide, and from the context menu that appears, click on "Delete slide."
    Method 3 - In the top menu, click on the "Slide" option, and then click on "Delete slide."
  3. A confirmation prompt will appear asking if you want to delete the slide. Select "Delete" to confirm.
Moving slides

If you need to rearrange your slides, you can simply drag and drop them within the slide panel on the left side of the screen. This allows you to change the order of your slides as needed.

Entering into slideshow mode
Entering slideshow mode screenshot
  1. Open the presentation you want to present.
  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, select the "Slideshow" button.
  3. Once in slideshow mode, you can navigate through your slides using your keyboard arrow keys (right arrow for next slide, left arrow for the previous slide), or you can click on the screen to advance to the next slide.
  4. To exit the slideshow mode, press the Esc key on your keyboard, or simply close the presentation window.
Sharing a Google slide
Sharing a google slides screenshot
  1. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select the blue "Share" button.
  2. In the "Share with others" window that appears, you can start typing the email addresses or names of the people you want to share the presentation with.
  3. Choose Permissions: Next to the names/email addresses, you can select their level of access from the dropdown menu. The available options are below:
    Viewer: Can view the presentation but not make changes.
    Commenter: Can view and add comments to the presentation, but not edit the content.
    Editor: Can view, edit, and add comments to the presentation.
  4. Once you've added the people and set their permissions, select the blue "Send" button. 
  5. You can select on the "Copy link" button at the bottom of the "Share with others" window to copy a link that you can manually share with others.


Google Sheets

Creating a Google sheet
Google chrome menu shortcut screenshot
  1. Go to the Google homepage or open a new tab
  2. In the top-right corner select the google apps shortcut
  3. Select the sheets icon
  4. Once loaded under "Start a new spreadsheet" select from a blank page or a template.
Sharing a Google sheet
Sharing a google sheet screenshot
  1. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select the green "Share" button.
  2. In the "Share with others" window that appears, you can start typing the email addresses or names of the people you want to share the spreadsheet with.
  3. Next to the names/email addresses, you can select their level of access from the dropdown menu. The available options are the same as with Google Docs:
    Viewer: Can view the sheet but not make changes.
    Commenter: Can view and add comments to the sheet, but not edit the content.
    Editor: Can view, edit, and add comments to the sheet.
  4. Once you've added the people and set their permissions, selec the green "Send" button. 
  5. You can select the "Copy link" button at the bottom of the "Share with others" window to copy a link that you can manually share with others.