
Google Chat is a messaging platform developed by Google that allows users to communicate and collaborate in real time.



How to create a chat
Creating a google chat screenshot
  1. Go to Google Chat.
  2. In the search bar at the top of the screen, start typing the name or email address of the person you want to chat with. Alternatively you can click the + icon in the left-hand menu.
  3. From the search results, click on the person's name to open a chat window.
  4. Type your message in the text input field at the bottom of the chat window and press Enter to send the message.
How to create a group chat
Creating a google chat space screenshot
  1. Go to Google Chat.
  2. In the left sidebar, click on the "Create" button (+ icon) next to "Spaces."
  3. Enter a name for the space and add members by typing their names or email addresses. You can add multiple people to the room.
  4. You can customise room settings, such as whether the room is visible to everyone in your organization or by invitation only.
  5. Select the "Create" button to create the room.
  6. The room will be created, and you'll be taken to the room's chat window.
Uploading files to your chat
Uploading a file to google chat screenshot
  1. Open the Google chat or space you wish to upload the file.
  2. Select the arrow icon located at the bottom
  3. Select the file you wish to upload
  4. Select Open
  5. Press enter on your keyboard to send the file.
Create a Google meet link
Create a google meet link inside google chat screenshot
  1. Open the Google chat or space you wish to upload the file.
  2. Select the camera icon located at the bottom-right.
  3. Press enter to send your meet link.
Using shortcuts to access the calendar, keep and contacts
Using shortcuts to access the calendar, keep and contacts screenshot
  1. Open google chat
  2. On the right-hand side select from the shortcut you wish to open.
  3. The app will now open in a split screen view.
Changing Chat notification settings
Change google chat notifications screenshot
  1. Open Google chat
  2. Select the dropdown box located at the top-right.
  3. Pick your chat status settings from the options listed below