University of Sheffield Innovation District
Home to world-leading translational research assets, the University of Sheffield is driving economic growth, investment and job creation through its Innovation District.
Located off Junction 33 of the M1, the University of Sheffield Innovation District builds is a 100 acre development opportunity that builds on the global reputation of the University's world-leading Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), Nuclear AMRC and AMRC Training Centre. It was first developed in 2015 when Factory 2050 - the UK’s first reconfigurable factory where digital meets manufacturing - was completed. This state of the art facility has since been joined by specialist research centres looking at novel materials and processing techniques to testing facilities for large-scale engineering structures.
Most recently the Innovation District is home to research centres which bring solutions to the most pressing challenges such as net-zero carbon, sustainable aviation fuels and advancing gene therapies.
- Factory 2050
The UK’s first state of the art factory which is capable of rapidly switching production between different high-value components and one-off parts.
- Translational Energy Research Centre
A world-leading pilot-scale research centre working with industry to test and develop green energy solutions.
- Gene Therapy Innovation and Manufacturing Centre
A pioneering gene therapy innovation centre set to advance scientific discoveries into treatment options for patients with life-threatening diseases
- Sustainable Aviation Fuels-Innovation Centre
The UK’s first centre to develop, test, validate and certify zero-carbon and sustainable aviation fuels.
- Royce Translational Centre
Offering industry state-of-the-art facilities to evolve novel materials and processing techniques.
- Laboratory for Verification and Validation
Offering industry the opportunity to test large-scale engineering structures under real-life vibration and acoustic conditions.
- Integrated Civil and Infrastructure Research Centre
Offering industry specialised research and consulting expertise looking at how big data, advanced materials and robotics can be used to increase innovation.