while at university, take every opportunity you can!

Tom Flint profile picture
Tom Flint
Research Culture Survey Project Officer, University of Leeds
MA Philosophy
Now working at the University of Leeds, Tom talks about the work experience opportunities he had whilst at university which have helped him succeed.

What are your main responsibilities?

Create and manage a portfolio of surveys.

How has your Philosophy degree and your time at the University of Sheffield helped you in your career?

Undoubtedly! Both the course content and the soft skills gained but also the opportunities (i.e. internship) offered by the department helped immensely.

What is your greatest achievement to date?

I helped shape the EDI strategy and policy within the research culture team. I felt confident speaking on this as a direct result of the philosophy masters programme.

What career advice would you give to a student interested in studying Philosophy?

Go for it! Most jobs don't require a specific degree so why not study something you love and find interesting anyway. And while at university, take every opportunity you can, I doubt I would have landed this job without the internship offered by the department even though at the time I had no idea how applicable the experience would be to so many career paths and sectors.

What argument or view first got you excited about philosophy?

I'm not sure I can remember but I'd say Iris Marion Young's Responsibility for Justice and Michael Sandel's What Money Can't Buy, make for amazing and exciting introductory texts that display what philosophy can be and do.

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