Bob Stern appointed Chair of Philosophy for REF 2021 sub-panel

A photograph of Professor Bob Stern. He wears a white shirt and there are pink flowers behind him.

Professor Bob Stern has been appointed to the Chair of the sub-panel in Philosophy for REF 2021.

REF or β€˜the Research Excellence Framework’ is the process by which research quality is assessed for UK higher education institutions.

Bob was nominated by a range of learned societies, and served on the Philosophy sub-panel for REF 2014. Sub-panel chairs are chosen for their academic background, their managerial and administrative abilities, and because they have the support and confidence of their academic colleagues.

Professor Rosanna Keefe, Head of Department for Philosophy at Sheffield, commented: "We are delighted that Bob Stern has been selected for this important position. He has a wide range of expertise within the subject and has extensive experience, including his Presidency of the British Philosophical Association and his panel-membership for REF 2014. This makes him ideally placed to serve as Chair.”

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