Dr Anita Klingler

School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities

Teaching Associate in Twentieth Century History

Photo of HST academic Anita Klingler
Profile picture of Photo of HST academic Anita Klingler
Autumn semester 2023:
Thursdays, 10.00-11.00
Fridays, 15.00-16.00

Full contact details

Dr Anita Klingler
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities (nee Department of History)
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA

Born and raised in Germany, I completed my PhD in History at the University of Edinburgh, from where I also gained my previous degrees. I joined the History department at Sheffield in January 2022 as a Teaching Associate, first in Modern European History and now in Twentieth Century History.

  • 2020: PhD History (Edinburgh)
  • 2014: MSc Contemporary History (Edinburgh)
  • 2013: MA (Hons) English Language and History (Edinburgh)
Research interests

Modern and Contemporary History

Twentieth Century Europe

Twentieth Century Germany

History of National Socialism and the Holocaust

‘Coming to terms’ with violent pasts

Public History & Museums

Sports History

Language and Conflict

Multilingualism and Code-Switching



Journal articles


  • Klingler A (2023) Attitudes to Political Violence in Early Interwar Britain and Germany: Maintaining Law and Order in Glasgow and Munich, 1919 In Dillon C & Wünschmann K (Ed.), Living the German Revolution of 1918-19: Expectations, Experiences, Responses Oxford University Press RIS download Bibtex download
Research group

Research Supervision

Current Students

Second Supervisor

All current students

Teaching activities


  • HST112 Paths from Antiquity to Modernity
  • HST117 Making of the Twentieth Century
  • HST120 History Workshop
  • HST202 Historians and History
  • HST21015 The Uses of History
  • HST2504 Two Germanys, ‘One People’?: Central Europe, 1945-1990
  • HST31013 The Family
  • HST31040 Making History Public


  • HST61020 Women and Power
  • HST61007 Oral History
  • HST6801 Research Skills for Historians (Masterclass on Oral History)
  • HST6802 Research Presentation