Professor Peter Jackson
Professor Peter Jackson is based in the Department of Geography at the University of Sheffield in the UK. He has held research grants from numerous national and international funding sources including an Advanced Investigator Grant (2009-12) and a Proof of Concept (2013) award from the European Research Council and a series of grants from the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council (‘Transnational Commodity Cultures’, 1999-2002; ‘Retail Competition and Household Change’, 2001-4; and ‘Cultures of Consumption’, 2003-7). He directed a major interdisciplinary research programme (‘Changing Families, Changing Food’, 2005-8) for the Leverhulme Trust and has been Director of Research and Innovation for the Social Sciences at the University of Sheffield (2004-7, 2011). He currently serves as Chair of the Food Standards Agency’s Social Science Research Committee and is a member of ESRC’s expert group on Energy, Environment and Food Security, having also served on the ‘synthesis group’ of DEFRA’s Green Food Project.
Professor Helene Brembeck
Professor Helene Brembeck is co-Director of the Centre for Consumer Science (CFK) at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. She has held several large research grants within the fields of food, eating, motherhood and the family, including projects on ‘The multidimensional consumer’ (2004-7) and ‘Sustainable eating, children’s way’ (2008-12), both with funding from the Swedish Research Council (Formas). She coordinated the Nordic research network NordBarn about Nordic conceptions of childhood (2000-4) and was the Swedish partner in a number of Nordic research collaborations (NordForsk, Nordic Innovation Centre, Norwegian Research Council). She has also been the Swedish partner in several large international research projects (including the ERC-CONANX project and a previous ERA-Net consortium).
Professor Bente Halkier
Professor Bente Halkier is based in the Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies (CBIT) at Roskilde University in Denmark. She has held a number of research grants on food consumption, including a European Commission-funded comparative project, ‘Consumer Trust in Food’ (2002-5), a European Social Fund and European Fund for Regional Development co-funded project (‘Green Regional Food Experiences’, 2011-14) and a number of national Danish and Nordic research projects on food consumption and issues of environment and health. She served as co-chair (2007-11) of the Sociology of Consumption Research Network under the European Sociological Association. She is currently director of the research group ‘Centre for Power, Media and Communication’, a strategic research area at Roskilde University.
Dr Jonathan Everts
Dr Jonathan Everts is based in the Department of Geography at the University of Bonn in Germany. In 2010, he was awarded a DFG grant to pursue his Habilitation research on the subject of social anxieties in relation to disease epidemics, especially the H1N1 pandemic of 2009-10. In 2008-9, Everts held a UK ESRC postdoctoral fellowship and was based at the University of Sheffield. He received his PhD from the University of Freiburg, completing his thesis in 2008 on the subject of minority food retailers and the practices of food shopping. In 2006, Everts was awarded a DAAD researcher grant which enabled him to visit the ‘Changing Families, Changing Food’ project in Sheffield.