Congratulations to our graduating masters students

Our masters students graduated this week remotely from our range of planning, real estate, urban design and GIS courses.

Our department building on the edge of Western Park

A warm congratulations to all our 2019-2020 masters students who graduated this week after what was a particularly challenging year. In the absence of a graduation ceremony, we marked the occasion by sharing a video from staff, including directors of each programme.

This year’s departmental prizes were also awarded to students. Harriett Dunn won the Turley Prize for Masters Study in Town and Regional Planning, as well as the Regional RTPI Book Prize.

The ADH Crook Prize for Contributions to Social Justice in Planning was awarded to Lucy Hankin, while the Victoria Henshaw Prize for Contributions to City Liveability was awarded to Mingyu Ye. Elizabeth Atkin won the Ian Masser Prize for Best Dissertation on Information Management.

Director of Postgraduate Programmes Andy Inch said: "Last year was a particularly challenging one so it’s particularly pleasing to be able to celebrate all that our students have achieved, especially our prize winners, Harriet, Lucy, Mingyu and Elizabeth who produced some really outstanding work."

On behalf of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, we’d like to say a huge well done to all prize winners and congratulations to all our graduating students.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.