Dr Asha Akram

School of Psychology

Senior University Teacher (Lecturer Teaching & Scholarship)

School Co-Director of One University

+44 114 222 6569

Full contact details

Dr Asha Akram
School of Psychology
Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICOSS)
219 Portobello
S1 4DP

Since joining the University in 2013, I have played an active role in learning and teaching initiatives within the Department, Faculty and more widely through national learning and teaching communities. I have made valuable and sustainable contributions to the design, development and delivery of modules across the Psychology curriculum.

My love for teaching and learning is a key driver in developing my practice. I am dedicated to working with students to create a learning environment which nurtures curiosity, collaboration and enthusiasm; I believe these factors are key motivators in the learning process.

My goal as a teacher is to inspire students and engage them in their learning journeys, and I feel very privileged to be part of this process.

  • BSc (Hons) Psychology with Neuroscience, University of Leicester
  • PhD in Neuroscience, University of Leicester


Senate Fellow- Early Career Award for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (2017)

Research interests

Discipline Specific Research

I’m a neuroscientist with an interest in sleep. More specifically, I am interested in the inter-relationships between emotion regulation, sleep and mental health. Given the rise in mental health issues in the western world, it’s important to understand factors which are associated with their occurrence.

Pedagogical Research

I’m interested exploring student’s experiences with feedback. The aims of the project are to identify which type of feedback students find most useful and why, and which type of feedback students implement in future work. This will help identify ways in which we can encourage students to engage with the feedback and will inform assessment and feedback practices across the whole curriculum.

Teaching activities

I teach on the following modules on the undergraduate Psychology degree:

  • PSY159 Critical Skills for Psychologists I
  • PSY259 Critical Skills for Psychologists II
  • PSY346 Research Projects
  • PSY331 Extended Essays
  • PSY345 Atypical Brain Development and Degeneration
  • PSY354 Psychology of Sleep (Module Organiser)
Professional activities and memberships
  • Academic Lead on the Faculty of Science Teaching Network
  • Stream Leader for Neuroscience and Clinical Psychology
  • Departmental Disabilities Liaison officer
  • Departmental HEAR Coordinator
  • Member of the Equality and Diversity Committee
  • Member of the Psychology Teaching Committee
PhD Opportunities

I am not currently accepting applications for PhD study.

We advertise PhD opportunities (Funded or Self-Funded) on FindAPhD.com

For further information, please see the department PhD Opportunities page.