Dr Nick Weston


School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering

Application Scientist (Advanced Metals Processing) | Henry Royce Institute

Dr Nick Weston
Profile picture of Dr Nick Weston

Full contact details

Dr Nick Weston
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological Engineering
Royce Discovery Centre
5 Portobello Street
S1 4ND

Nick joined the Henry Royce Institute in October 2022 as an Application Scientist, bringing a strong background in advanced metals processing and powder metallurgy. He completed his undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering and a PhD in Metallurgy, both at The University of Sheffield. Followed by 6 years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA) in the Sheffield Titanium Alloy Research (STAR) group

Nick focuses on developing capabilities and understanding limitations of Field Assisted Sintering Technology in order to apply its unique processing potential to solve real-world industrial manufacturing problems. Previous research included recycling waste titanium alloys through the FAST and FAST-forge processes to produce affordable engine components for the automotive industry (FAST STEP 3). This work has been featured as a case study for the Henry Royce Institute.

  • Oct 2022 – Present: Henry Royce Institute Application Scientist (Advanced Metals Processing).

  • Oct 2018 – July 2022: Research Associate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK. Innovate UK funded project (104040) “FAST STEP 3 - Swarf Titanium to Engine Parts in 3 Steps” with Prof Martin Jackson.

  • Aug 2016 – Sept 2018: Research Associate, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Sheffield, UK. Innovate UK funded project (102577) "FAST-forge - from rutile sand to novel titanium alloy aerospace component in 3 steps" with Dr Martin Jackson.

  • Sept 2011 – Oct 2017: PhD in Metallurgy via the Advanced Metallic Systems Centre for Doctoral Training at The University of Sheffield, UK. Thesis: “A novel solid-state processing route to generate cost-effective titanium alloy components” 

  • Sept 2007 – June 2011: MEng (Hons) Aerospace Engineering (1st Class) at The University of Sheffield, UK

Research interests

Current and future research focuses on utilising Field Assisted Sintering Technology’s (FAST) unique processing conditions, as well as understanding and overcoming its limitations, to solve real-world industrial manufacturing problems. Broad areas of interest include: (1) Improvements in FAST specimen geometric complexity and moving towards near net-shape. (2) Microstructural control and manipulation, including subsequent post-FAST processing. (3) Joining of dissimilar alloys and materials via FAST. (4) FAST modelling/simulation for improved process control and component optimisation.


Journal articles

Conference proceedings papers

  • Weston NS, Holden C, Ingall D, Lunn D, Williams S, Balderson J & Jackson M (2021) FAST STEP 3: Field Assisted Sintering Technology for Swarf Titanium to Engine Parts in 3 steps. Euro PM2021 Congress Proceedings RIS download Bibtex download
  • Marshall LB, Benson LL, Weston NS, Repper SE, Jackson M & Mellor I (2017) Development of titanium alloy powders produced via the metalysis process. Proceedings Euro PM 2017: International Powder Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition RIS download Bibtex download
  • Weston N, Derguti F & Jackson M () Exploitation of Spark Plasma Sintering and One-Step Forging for Cost-Effective Processing of Titanium Alloy Powders (pp 123-128) RIS download Bibtex download
Media and public engagement